Monday, November 5, 2007

P2P and Mobile TV - technology description (III publication)

As we strive in develop the software and the infrastructure needed to fulfill our pipe dream, luckily we have many friends come and support us in many different way.

To name a few, our friend from triple I has been helping us on the key broadcasting technology.

If you like to know more about the inside of how the technology works, check out this paper.

Friday, July 13, 2007

影音手機傳上網 工研院技術授權移轉,4703,12050903+122007071300479,00.html

工商時報 2007.07.13


經濟部技術處委由工研院進行行動影音服務技術有成,開發出口袋頻道(Pocket Channel)服務,及結合服務應用晶片系軟體核心技術,形成以創新技術及嶄新商業模式帶動高附加價值應用服務業。
