Tuesday, January 29, 2008

5 more channels in beta service (total 21 as of 1/30/2008)

We are happy to announce that we have another 5 channels. They are 東風, 三立台灣台, 超視, 台視, and 民視. We now have total of 21 channels in the beta service.

Having more channels has always been one of our top priority, it requires additional resource and development effort in all aspect. At the end of beta, when we move on to production service, we’re aiming to provide full-on, 80+ channels to fulfill all of your viewing preference.

In the mean-time, please free feel to tell us what are the channels that you can wait to watch. And we will, of course, do everything we can to service your needs.

Thanks teams, for all your endless late night to pull this out!

Ming Tsai
DragonIPTV Beta Team
Live Taiwan TV - 龍翔網絡電視 給你故鄉的精彩

Monday, January 21, 2008

寬頻不夠 壓制網路電視發展

中國時報 2008.01.21 



黃國師說,根據AC Neilson統計,去年上半年台灣媒體的廣告營收下滑0.5%,唯獨網路廣告成長了23.2%,電視廣告效益降低的現象,廣告主逐漸拋棄傳統電視,選擇新興媒體,傳播學者雷尼(Hall Riney)在2002年廣告時代雜誌裡曾說過,「30秒的電視廣告已死」。





黃國師表示,網路電視商機不僅吸引微軟跨入、日本松下與新力,也合資經營網路電視入口平台,最讓人矚目的,則是Skype創辦人另起爐灶推出的Joost TV。

「台灣發展網路電視,不應該老是從電信端去思考,」邱復生說,加入內容的開發,是網路電視未來能否受觀眾青睞的重要關鍵,為了開發內容,年代數位媒體的我視傳媒(i’m tv)也與世新大學廣電系等系所,合作經營校園媒體。

Friday, January 11, 2008

Next wave, more channels

In addition to the 11 channels we already broadcast in the beta service, we're adding 5 more at the end of this month. The new additions will be: 民視 , 中天綜合, 三立新聞, 緯來日本, and 衛視電影.
Frankly, in term of orders, we don't really have preferences - at the end of beta, as we move on to production service, we will provide full-on 60+ channels just like you would when you sit at your Taiwan living room.

If you'd like to try out the beta, please drop us a line at: dragoniptvhq_at_gmail.com with your full name and e-mail and we will open an beta account for you!

Ming Tsai
DragonIPTV Beta Team
Live Taiwan TV - 龍翔網絡電視 給你故鄉的精彩

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Release of new console client v 2.10.26

I am happy to announce the new release of console client – version 2.10.26. Without your invaluable feedback, and the hard-core, hard working programmers, it's not possible to bring on the continuously improved software onto the table.

The major new feature we're especially exciting about is the new status indicator. The indicator will tell you the playing status and bandwidth usage – we're hoping this could help in the area of software usability and be more "user friendly".

If you're interested about all the details, please see the release note. And please continuous to give us feedback!

Friday, January 4, 2008

5 more channels in beta service

We are happy to announce that we have added 5 more channels. They are 非凡新聞, Jet TV, 緯來戲劇, TVBS-G, and 超視. We now have total of 16 channels to bring you more content of Live Taiwan TV in the beta service.

Having more channels has always been one of our top priority, it requires additional resource and development effort in all aspect. At the end of beta, when we move on to production service, we’re aiming to provide full-on, 60+ channels to fulfill all of your viewing preference.

In the mean-time, please free feel to tell us what are the channels that you can wait to watch. And we will, of course, do everything we can to service your needs.

Thanks teams, for all your endless late night to pull this out!

Ming Tsai
DragonIPTV Beta Team
Live Taiwan TV - 龍翔網絡電視 給你故鄉的精彩