Monday, March 17, 2008

Channel Roaster Update Announcement for 3/21/2008

Hello all,
I wish you enjoy the Beta service. In the effort to enrich our content and to test all the channels during the Beta, we plan to have the following changes to our TV channel roaster on 3/21/2008:

1. Channel change:
HBO -> TVBS (56)
八大戲劇 -> 民視新聞 (53)

2. New channel:
年代新聞 (50) **already on - 3/17

And as you know, the Taiwan president election is approaching. I'm sure many of you like to have more news channels to get different prospects. Beside the political in progress, here we go, we now have almost all the news channels available.

On the other note, we’re under very heavy loading recently and you might experience video delay or lagging. As you know, we are currently at the Beta period. please bear with it for about a week while we are working hard to resolve the problem (ETA 3/21). In the meantime, please enjoy the free testing and remember to let us know your feedback & suggestion, which is very important for us. Please do not hesitate to let us know your user experience. It will help us tremendously.

thanks for you support!

DragonIPTV Beta Team

Monday, March 10, 2008

Not working very well (resource shortage) during 3/7 - 3/14

Thank you all for the feedback and admire of our service. During 3/7 to 3/14, we are under very heavy loading due to the Taiwan Olympic basketball games. As you know, we are currently at the Beta period - we simply not yet have enough capacity required for the tremendous usage that we're current facing. This is good and bad for us - the good part is that we know you love the service we provide - this will make us work harder and faster to bring you better and better service. However the bad part is that you might experience the "link is weak" or "No signal" problem - we promise that we will fix it with all of our power .

As you might already see, we've updated our website to give you an better idea on what's going on - the usage meter shown on the homepage, and the indicators on each channel. As you mouse-over the channel link, you will now see the channel status.

We are hoping that it will give you an idea on the current loading status, specially during the peak time when it is not working for you.

To fix the problem, we are allocating every resource (bandwidth, machines, & $$) that we've on hand. In the meantime, while we're working hard to resolve it, I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience and thanks in advanced for bearing with us.

Thank you very much for your support!!

DragonIPTV Beta Team

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

奧運棒球資格賽 - 中華棒球隊 加油!加油!加油! 

希望大家都能 一起為我們中華棒球隊 加油!加油!加油! 

在台中洲際棒球場和雲林斗六棒球場 一共有七場大家有空閒就殺過去 一起幫中華棒球隊加油!在國外或無法前往的就在電腦前線上收聽收看一起集氣!!

電視:緯來電視網 (線上收看)

3/7 (五) 18:30 開幕典禮
3/7 (五) 19:00 中華台北 VS. 西班牙
3/8 (六) 12:30 墨西哥 VS. 中華台北
3/9 (日) 12:30 德國 VS.中華台北
3/10 (一) 18:30 中華台北 VS. 加拿大
3/12 (三) 18:30 中華台北 VS. 澳洲
3/13 (四) 18:30 南非 VS. 中華台北
3/14 (五) 18:30 中華台北 VS. 韓國


投手 10 人:陽建福(興農)、姜建銘(讀賣巨人)、張誌家(徵召)、黃俊中(La new)、倪福德(中信)、林克謙(台啤)、林柏佑(白襪)、鄭凱文(美孚)、沈鈺傑(中信)、羅嘉仁(美孚)
捕手 2 人:葉君璋(興農)、高志綱(統一)
內野手 7 人:高國慶(統一)、張泰山(興農)、王勝偉(兄弟)、林智勝(La new)、蔣智賢(紅襪)、林益全(興農代訓)、郭嚴文(紅人) 外野手 5 人:彭政閔(兄弟)、張建銘(興農)、羅國輝(水手)、林哲瑄(紅襪)、鍾承佑(La new代訓)

讓我們一起為故鄉的精彩 加油!加油!加油!