Monday, February 25, 2008

Channel roaster update annoucement - 3/4/2008

Hello all,

I wish you enjoy the Beta service. In the effort to better our quality and enrich our content according to the feedback from many of you, we plan to have the following changes to our TV channel roaster on 3/4/2008:

1. Channel change:
旅遊生活頻道-> 亞洲旅遊台
三立都會-> 卡通頻道

2. New channel: 中天新聞台

And as you know, the Taiwan president election is approaching. I’m sure many of you like to have more news channels to get different prospects. Beside the political in progress, I’m sure the kids like to watch Cartoon after school, especially after Chinese language school.

Your feedback and opinion are very important for us. So please do not hesitate to let us know your user experience. It will help us tremendously in term of quality of service.

DragonIPTV Beta Team

Saturday, February 16, 2008

New Release!! console client v 2.10.28

I am happy to announce the new release of console client – version 2.10.28. Without your invaluable feedback, and our hard-core, hard working programmers, it's not possible to continuously improve our software quality and service performance.

If you're interested about all the details, please see the attached release note. And please continuous to give us feedback!

DragonIPTV Beta Team
Live Taiwan TV - 龍翔網絡電視 給你故鄉的精彩

文件類型: txtRELEASE_NOTE- (3.8 KB)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

鼠年行大運 - 免費體驗三個月原汁原味的故鄉電視節目


非常感謝您對DragonIPTV的支持,我們的節目新增了中天綜合台緯來戲劇台MOMO親子台Jet TV日本台TVBS─G三立新聞三立台灣超視民視台視東風


現在就上 DragonIPTV.COM參加2008新年活動,就能免費體驗三個月的精采故鄉電視節目,帶您挖好康,fun好年。


DragonIPTV Team
Ming Tsai 恭賀 :: Live Taiwan TV - 龍翔網絡電視 給你故鄉的精彩